Sunday, January 27, 2013

Research that Benefits

Share a positive example of the effects of research on children and/or families.

In my work as an Education Specialist I found that using assessment tools contributed to researching- what was and what was not working in the early childhood classroom. These findings then reinforced what was working, and providing information and opportunities for educators to improve their teaching practices and classroom environments. These improvements, plus the pride and self-esteem gleaned from what was going well, benefited the children and the families. The children were more respected, had enriched environments, varied and enriched learning opportunities, and had enhanced social emotional growth opportunities. The families who were aware of these enriched experiences and ever changing improvements also had a sense of pride and connection to their children. The two assessment tools I found value in using were the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) for PreK and Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale (ECERS).

Sunday, January 20, 2013

My Personal Research Journey

How does emotional stress in early childhood affects the development of positive emotions in adulthood?

This chosen topic changes slightly, more so the wording of it, each time I revisit it. This is because it is a broad topic and constantly needs to be narrowed.  I have chosen this topic because early childhood (prenatal through age 5 (tentatively)) are the formative years. They create the major blue print of who we are and will become and how we respond to  …. I dare say….possibly…. everything… ? I am truly curious about this topic because there is a reason why adults act, behave, respond, feel, etc. the way they do. I have reasons to believe that how children are provided care and education has a direct effect on how they continue to development and create positive feelings, emotions, and regard for themselves and others. What are we doing as adults and as a collective set of people to foster positive emotional growth and to counteract emotional stress triggered by tragedies, abuse and misunderstandings?