Saturday, June 28, 2014

Time Well Spent

Thank you for your support, inspiration, dedication and hard work. Being among my group of colleagues at Walden University has empowered me in my work, and given me deep validation that I am exactly on the professional path that I have always hoped to be. What a wonderful feeling!!! I wish you all the success and joy that you have so diligently, carefully and intuitively envisioned. God bless the miracle within you. See you later!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally

A national training position is My Teaching Partner (MTP). This position is hired through different organizations, including Teachstone. It is available for early childhood teachers, it would be a great role to be in. MTP coaches need experience working in the classroom, coaching adults and a 4 year degree.

Being a UNICEF ambassador....

Literacy Intern with The Science of Improving Lives retrieved from works from Washington DC on international projects. This position requires a 4 year degree but a Master's is preferred. One position available.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Exploring Roles in the ECE Community: Local and State Levels

Save the Children Early Steps to School Success (ESS) Program Specialist. This position develops, oversees, trains and conducts outreach to preschool age children and their families. They are responsible for guiding home visitors in their work with children and families. The ESS program serves families in my community. Save the Children is global organization that serves humanity in a variety of ways. They seem to me to be a vessel for services to those in need of resources.

Child, Youth and Teen Programs (CYTP) for military installations provide services locally and globally, as well. Their administrative professions work with caregivers and teachers in the field. They also use the Creative Curriculum from Teaching Strategies and the ECERS for preschool classrooms, these are two pieces of quality practice that I have worked with. Most of their administrative positions currently require a Bachelor’s Degree or higher.

Local Community College (Copper Mountain and College of the Desert) early childhood education faculty.  The early childhood divisions at my local colleges are expanding and evolving with the need and research in early childhood. In order to be a college instructor I need to complete my Master’s degree in early childhood, and I will then be able to teach courses in social science as well.