Of the many studies on the importance of early childhood, one specific finding is that early learning impacts development and the primary grades. These positive outcomes include children of varying abilities and many cultures; early learning benefits all children. Following the importance of early learning is the actual quality of the learning process and/or environment. Assessment strategies and tools are starting to take place in early learning centers to reflect these positive outcomes on our children, then ideally will inturn increase government budgets for early childhood education. As preschool teachers it is important that we stay cognizant of our teaching practices, assessment strategies and learning outcomes in our classroom because it is ultimately for the children and the future of early learning.
Teachers College, Columbia University. (2009). Early childhood care and education: Worlwide challenges and progress. Current Issues in Comparative Education, 11, 1–44. Retrieved from http://www.tc.columbia.edu/cice/Issues/11.00/PDFs/11_Complete_Issue.pdf
You are very right we do need to cognizant to our teaching practices with that in mind it will help all of us to be a better teacher and to focus more on what the children's needs are. Very good blog!