Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Getting to know international contacts-part 1

Over 600 million children world-wide live in absolute poverty - an estimated 1 in 4” (www.childhoodpoverty.org). This is the same estimation of the poverty in the United States. In the U.S., according to Save the Children, nearly 1 in 4 children American children live in poverty (http://www.savethechildren.org/).

“Poverty experienced by children, even over short periods, can affect the rest of their lives” ” (www.childhoodpoverty.org). This why the early childhood programs that are available for children and families in poverty need to stay active and strong (check out my video bar and the bottom of this page- Head Start’s window of opportunity).

“Today's poor children are all too often tomorrow's poor parents” (www.childhoodpoverty.org). It is hard to imagine as we think and plan for the present that our young children do become adults, and do have a place in society. It is our responsibility in aiding the evolution process of our families and society. My 10 year old son shared a quote with me yesterday, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail”. By failing to prepare (nutrition, nurture, support, spirituality, education, etc.) our children…

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sharing Web Resources

The international organization that I chose is Save the Children, http://www.savethechildren.org/. Save the Children provides emergency response and program services for food and shelter, child protection, education, HIV/AIDS, livelihoods, and more. The newsletters I receive often focus on one topic and then branch related topics with a variety of media tools. Save the Children is a trustworthy charitable organization, on the website it reveals approvals by InterAction, BBB Accredited business, Four Star Charity and American Institute of Philanthropy (www.savethechildren.org). I have thoroughly researched the careers section on this website. It posts available opportunities globally and descriptions of job opportunities. Through the email newsletter this month I was led to a section for advocating for particular issues and there are options to have conversations via twitter, and to contact congress through phone and email (www.savethechildren.org). I signed a petition to help children in poverty in America. If you want to sign this petition, it takes less than 5 min., go to www.savethechildren.org then the the 'Take Action Tab', and its under "Freedom from Poverty for America's Children".

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Establishing Professional Contacts & Expanding Resources

This week I have explored the World Forum Foundation website, http://worldforumfoundation.org. It brings awareness to how many people in the world immerse their lives and purpose to children and families. It covers many areas of concern from curriculum to HIV/AIDS.  I joined the NACC (Nature Action Collaborative for Children), to receive weekly newsletters. I plan to share the insights from these newsletters.
I also receive newsletters from Save the Children. This organization has had a positive impact on my community; therefore I like to be informed of what they are doing. Below in this blog are some postings about Save the Children.

I find it resourceful to put websites on my desktop and use them in my work and college courses. The emails I have sent to establish connections failed, yet there are many resources and voices on the web.