Monday, October 5, 2015

Encouragement versus Praise

In one of my recent Professional Development sessions and college courses this topic was again examined. I compiled some information and resources for you to use in your own quest.

1) Encouragement leads to positive self-esteem. Praise (according to various research) can lead to various levels of personal strife, insecurities and underdeveloped intrinsic motivation skills (Jane Nelson Ed.D,  and Sharon S. Esonis, Ph.D (

2) The Creative Curriculum by Teaching Strategies, LLC. provides us strategies and teacher replacement behavior techniques on using encouragement instead of praise in the classroom. For those of you that use The Creative Curriculum Intentional Teaching Cards this can be found on SE18.

3) Positive Discipline by Dr. Jane Nelson provides information and strategies for teachers and parents on her website and in related books Positive Discipline.

I have read cases in Louis Cozolino's book The Neuroscience of Psychotherapy and in Jillian Micheal's book Unlimited: How to Build an Exceptional Life where such excessive praise in childhood might lead to negative outcomes (personal struggles, insecurities, lack of intrinsic motivation). That being said, I am still on my own journey of understanding and working to recognize other people in meaningful ways. Recognition is important in relationships, it shows value, respect, understanding, etc. I choose to recognize children in their efforts and accomplishments yet many times it comes out as "Good Job"... I also have experience in my adult life with the detrimental effects of basing self-worth on other people's approval...

Let the journey continue!

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Children's Book List for Disability Awareness

Here is a Children's book list on disability awareness in PDF format.


Gender Neutral Children Book List

Here is a book list in PDF format from the NAEYC website. The list provides the title, author and a brief description of the book. I'm looking forward to putting in my orders to my local library. Thank you to one of my training participants for prompting this search. :)

Children’s Books that Break Gender Role Stereotypes
... Using Children’s Literature to Debunk Gender Stereotypes,” in the March issue of Young Children. ... Children’s Books that Break Gender Role Stereotypes

Free Professional Development Webinars w/ Certificates

A colleague, Betsy Fox, of mine told be about access to some great Webinars. These Early Childhood Webinars are free and after attending you receive a certificate to put in your Professional/personal/ career portfolio! ;)

Go to this link:

or Search for the website- Early Childhood Investigations, click on the register button and you will put in your information and the webinar notification will be emailed to you.

Thank you Betsy Fox ( ) for your inspirations and walk by the sea in Bellingham, WA, and thank you to my training participants for your dedication and commitment to the early childhood field ~ hope to see you all in the future!

Friday, August 7, 2015

Long-term Projects to Study in your preschool classroom

Here are a variety of Long-Term Projects that your students can study in the preschool classroom.

They are called:  Marvelous Explorations Through Science and Stories (MESS)

MESS long-term projects have a variety of "themes" including: My Body My Senses, Water, Plant Life, Prehistoric Life, Insects and Spiders, Kitchen Store, etc.

Click on this-> Marvelous Explorations Through Science and Stories    or go to Office of Head Start's website:

Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center

and search MESS to get free PDF booklets on these long-term projects for your preschool classroom.